Friday, August 24, 2007

Welcome to My Blog!

Okay, so, I've been tampering with this blog thing now for like, months... but you know how it is with babies... they need all your attention... you know, crying, needing to be fed, changed, etc, and until now, I've just not found the time to get into it! Ha!

No, really, it's that whole "workin' mom" thing. No time for yourself at work OR at home! I've really struggled with the workin' thing, but we'll get more to that later.

So, here I am. Ready to let my lungs (or my fingers as the case may be) get a little exercise. On this blog, you can expect to find occasional ramblings from a 27-year old disgruntled female who works for her in-laws and has a faithful and doting husband and precious little nine-month old "toilet cruiser."

Oh yeah, and the diaper, crying, demanding-of-all-your-attention thing... I wouldn't change it for the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww....look at those eyes! and those chubby wants to squeeze them!